
Kyoto, the once capital of Japan, is famous for temples and shrines, beautify gardens, and unique Japanese traditions. After an early night on Monday, May 21st, we woke up hungry and in search of a traditional Japanese breakfast. Lucky, we stumbled bumbled upon Kishin Kitchen.


With full bellies, we set off in search of temples, which you can't help but fall smack into everywhere in Kyoto. The hard part is picking which ones to see. 


After miles of walking through temples, it was time to sample some street food and matcha-made products.


The following day was rainy, which was unfortunate because we had planned a few side trips outside of Kyoto. The first was to the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest.


A stop of Arashiyama would not be complete without visiting the Arashiyama Monkey Park to feed the wild Macaque monkeys. 


We then proceeded to Nara, another old capital of Japan, to feed the free roaming deer among the many temples.


Back in waterlogged Kyoto, we finished out trip with at raditional Kyoto kaiseki dinner at Gion Manzara.


Headed up to sample the amazing seafood on the sea of Japan next!