
Hakone is part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park and is located ~100 km or 30 minutes outside of Tokyo via Shinkansen. Its famous for its hot springs, lush forests, and views of Mt. Fuji across Lake Ashinoko. We stayed at the Hakone Hotel, which is dated but offered an amazing view from the room.

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After a winding bus trip up in the mountains, we found the Tenzan Tohji-kyo onsen. An onsen is a traditional Japanese hot spring and the bathing facilities and inns surrounding them. Its a very different and naked experience...for obvious reasons, no photos are allowed. You can learn more at OnsenJapan.Net.

I'll spare you the details of dinner since every restaurant in the entire tourist town seemed closed by 7 on a Sunday, but we were forced to order a room service meal of "mixed pizza", "spaghetti of the day", and "fries"...

The following day included a workout, pirate ship tour of the lake, and a much needed meal of delicious ramen and udon.


Next stop...Kyoto.