From Lombok to Flores

After a few days relaxing in Senggigi, I joined Perama Tour's Hunting Komodo by Camera trip from Lombok to Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia. After visiting a few villages on Lombok, we boarded a 95 ft Phinisi style boat for our two night adventure.


The boat was comfortable, while certainly not fancy. Next time I would opt for something air conditioning, so I could get a little sleep. The on board cook provided simple, but delicious Indonesian fare. I was one of only three native english-speakers on the boat, so I listened to a lot of german and indonesian for the three days.

The trip stopped at Satonda Island for hiking and snorkeling, Kilo Beach for roasted corn and sunset, and the Pink Beach with its pink colored sand before reaching Komodo Island. 


Komodo National Park is the home of the rare Komodo Dragon. The park includes three major islands, Komodo, Rinca, and Padar, and numerous smaller islands. At least, 2,500 komodos live in the area and can grow to 10 ft weighing up to 150 lbs. There bite is considered venomous. This was the closest thing I've found to visiting Jurassic Park.


Finally, we arrived in Labuan Bajo where i spent a few days laying in the A/C and enjoying the surprisingly good italian fare.


Its time to bid farewell to Indonesia for now as I head to Malaysia. 
